Fair Finance Vietnam’s latest study regarding the Risk of Stranded Assets in the context of climate change is now available in audiovisual format with subtitles.
The clip specifically elaborates on the risk of stranded assets related to climate change through the battle between the player and the market. It is a complimentary product of FFV’s study in Vietnam which assessed the stranded assets in the country’s relatively high vulnerability to climate change.
Vietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. The common patterns of climate change include increased temperatures; rising sea levels; and an increase in extreme weather events, such as storms, heat waves, excessive rainfall, drought, etc. As reported by Espagne et al. (2021), many aspects of the Vietnamese economy, society, and healthcare system are feeling the impacts of climate change. For instance, climate change is expected to have a significant impact on Vietnam’s energy system both in terms of electricity supply and demand.
Chiến thuật nào để tránh rủi ro khi Thị trường luôn khó đoán? ? Nhà đầu tư F1 tuy thất bại, nhưng đã có bài học của riêng mình. Còn bạn, tài khoản đang bốc cháy, hay đã có nơi trú ẩn an toàn? Hãy cho chúng tôi biết chiến thuật đầu tư của bạn nhé! Cảm ơn và hẹn gặp lại!
To watch the video, click here
To read the full report in English, click here